Muso began serving one hundred people in 2005. With this year’s rural expansion, Muso now serves 300,000 patients and supports Malian government efforts to reach millions more. Our community partners now bear witness: universal health coverage is imminently possible for every community.
Universal health coverage is no longer a dream: it’s a moral imperative.
But we will not get there alone. Rising to the urgency of this moment will require a radical level of collaboration—a committed coalition of practitioners, patients, policymakers, researchers, and supporters.
Because of this, today we launch Practitioner Expertise to Optimize Community Health Systems, the first fruit of Muso’s collaboration with five other organizations: Hope Through Health, Last Mile Health, Living Goods, Partners In Health, and Possible.
Today, governments of more than 40 countries are striving toward universal health coverage by deploying Community Health Workers to provide care. But right now, the global status quo standard of care, an approach called Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM), is failing due to important design and delivery flaws. Governments making bold commitments to universal health coverage deserve better strategies, better evidence, and better partners. The health of hundreds of millions of patients hangs in the balance.
Understanding that several operational questions are unresolved by current evidence, this coalition of organizations has come together to harness operational insight derived from practitioner expertise. The six organizations have developed high-impact CHW programs with governments and communities across the globe.
Across our six organizations, we have seen the life-saving care CHWs can provide, but only when they are set up for success. Practitioner Expertise to Optimize Community Health Systems compares practices and share eight recommendations for how to support Community Health Workers to lead the charge toward universal health coverage.
We have everything we need today to provide health care for everyone. Together we will rise to the moral imperative of this moment.
Read the report to learn more, and join the next steps at: www.joinchic.org
Do you have ideas about how we can further these efforts?
Please contact us with feedback or questions.