Community Health Workers are Muso’s front-line changemakers. Our CHWs are local Malians, mostly women, who go door-to-door every day to search for patients and provide a package of life-saving health care services in the home. By actively reaching out to community members in their homes to identify opportunities for education or care, our Proactive Care model aims to save lives by reaching people early in the course of illness and addressing the reinforcing barriers patients face on their path to care.
In order to effectively treat patients in the home, CHWs carry supplies to address their patients’ most common medical ailments and needs. In line with the global standard of care in community health systems, Muso CHWs provide a package of care that includes treatment for malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition. Muso CHWs also provide prenatal care and offer same-day family planning options.
Following a rigorous training program prior to entering the field, 381 Muso CHWs care for their patients at the doorstep every day equipped with a backpack full of supplies. Through Muso’s 360 Supervision model, CHWs are regularly monitored, evaluated, and mentored by CHW Supervisors to ensure excellence in quality of care for all patients. During each Community Health Worker’s weekly meeting with their supervisor, both review supplies and checklists to determine what materials are in need of replenishment.
The Community Health Worker’s Backpack
1. Rapid Diagnostic Test kit to test for malaria in the home
2. Artemisinin Combination Therapy kit to treat malaria
3. Artesunate suppositories to treat malaria
1. Zinc 2. Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) for rehydration during severe cases of diarrhea
Fevers and Pneumonia:
1. Thermometer to verify body temperature
2. Paracetamol to control body aches and fevers
3. Artesunate suppository to decrease fevers
4. Liquid Amoxicillin to treat pneumonia
1. Mid-Upper Arm Circumference Tape (Band de shakir) to screen for malnutrition 2. Folic Acid 3. Vitamin A
4. Albendazole, an anti-parasitic to treat stomach worms
Family Planning:
1. Pregnancy tests to screen for and diagnose pregnancies before referral to a clinic for women who test positive for pregnancy, or to administer family planning methods for women who test negative for pregnancy and do not wish to become pregnant immediately
2. While CHWs can bring women to the health center for IUDs or implants, they carry oral contraceptive pills, condoms, and Depo-Provera injections that can be provided in the privacy of the home
1. Gloves 2. Referral book supporting CHWs to refer patients for further care without fees at rapid-access clinic
3. Cell phone
4. Safety box to store used tools
Learn more about how Muso CHWs treat malnutrition and provide proactive reproductive health care in the home.
